
Fondgesellschaft Aviva Investors (LU)
Region weltweit
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassungen Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 17.01.2024
Ertragstyp ausschüttend
Fondsvolumen 69,36 Mio. USD
Hinweis -

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Im Rahmen der Anlagestrategie kann in wesentlichem Umfang in Derivate investiert werden.Aufgrund der Zusammensetzung des Fonds oder der verwendeten Managementtechniken weist der Fonds eine erhöhte Volatilität auf, d.h. die Anteilswerte sind auch innerhalb kurzer Zeiträume großen Schwankungen nach oben und nach unten ausgesetzt, wobei auch Kapitalverluste nicht ausgeschlossen werden können.Die Fondsbestimmungen des Aviva Investors - Global Equity Income Rq USD Inc wurden durch die FMA bewilligt.Der Aviva Investors - Global Equity Income Rq USD Inc kann mehr als 35 % des Fondsvermögens in Wertpapiere/Geldmarktinstrumente folgender Emittenten investieren: by an EU Member State, its local authorities or agencies, or by a state accepted by the CSSF (being at the date of this Prospectus, a member state of the OECD or of the G20 or Singapore) or by a public international bodies of which one or more EU Member State belongs


KAG Aviva Investors (LU)
Adresse 2 r. du Fort Bourbon, 1249, Gare
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To increase the value of the Shareholder's investment over the long term (5 years or more) by investing in equities of global companies while earning higher income than the Benchmark. The Fund will invest at least 80% in equities of global companies including up to 20% in emerging market companies. Specifically, the Fund invests at least 80% of total net assets (excluding ancillary liquid assets, eligible deposits, money market instruments, money market funds) in equities and equity-related securities of companies in any country across the globe, including emerging markets. Equity-related securities can include ADRs, GDRs, exchange-traded warrants and convertible securities, participation certificates and profit sharing certificates, among others. The Sub-Fund does not buy equity warrants but may hold any it receives in connection with equities it owns. The Sub-Fund may also invest in UCITS and/or other UCIs , preference shares and convertibles. The Sub-Fund may invest in China A-Shares through Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect and through Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect.
Fondsmanager: Richard Saldanha