Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Aktienfonds
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 01.10.2019
Fondsvolumen 209,92 Mio. USD

Größte Positionen

APPLE INC. 5,09 %
MICROSOFT DL-,00000625 4,56 %
AMAZON.COM INC. DL-,01 2,40 %
NVIDIA CORP. DL-,001 2,12 %
Sonstiges 85,83 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +21,14 % +18,83 %
3 Jahre p.a. +5,72 % +5,02 %
5 Jahre p.a. - -
52W Hoch:
8.451,2200 USD
52W Tief:
6.622,3000 USD

Konditionen (gültig für easy Wertpapierdepot)

Ausgabeaufschlag 2,00 %
Mindestveranlagung 250.000,00 USD
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,08 %
Annahmeschluss -

Fonds Prospekte

2024 Basisinformationsblatt (08.03.24)
2023 Rechenschaftsbericht (30.09.23)
2023 Halbjahresbericht (31.03.23)
2022 Key Investor Information (28.06.22)
2022 Verkaufsprospekt (01.06.22)


The fund uses active management and aims for a risk-return profile in line with its benchmark, the MSCI World (NR), while at the same time applying ESG screening criteria focusing on positive selection based on a risk analysis of environmental and governance aspects, to enhance the fund"s sustainability profile compared to the benchmark. It targets companies that combine respect for social principles (e.g. human rights, non-discrimination, the issue of child labour) and environmental principles with a financial performance. The benchmark represents our investment universe. The fund may not include investments into securities that are not part of the benchmark universe. We also do not invest in companies involved in activities including but not limited to, the development, production, maintenance or trade of controversial weapons, the production of tobacco products, thermal coal mining and/or oil sands production. Further, more stringent restrictions are applicable for investments in companies involved in activities related to gambling, weapons, adult entertainment, fur & specialty leather, Arctic drilling and shale oil & gas. Due to the exclusion of companies that do not qualify as a result of our sustainability policy, there will be differences between the composition of the fund's portfolio and the composition of the benchmark. An optimisation methodology is used to construct the portfolio with an aim to achieve a risk and return profile in line with that of the Index. You can sell your participation in this fund on each (working) day on which the value of the units is calculated, which for this fund occurs daily.
Fondsmanager: -


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