AIIF-Allianz Thematica Fd.C GBP

WKN A3DJBE | ISIN GB00BMV5S813 |  Fonds

Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Aktienfonds
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Vereinigtes Königreich
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 20.04.2022
Fondsvolumen 31,33 Mio. GBP

Größte Positionen

QUANTA SVCS DL-,00001 0,93 %
AMER. EXPRESS DL -,20 0,89 %
Sonstiges 96,33 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr - -
3 Jahre p.a. - -
5 Jahre p.a. - -
52W Hoch:
52W Tief:

Konditionen (gültig für easy Wertpapierdepot)

Ausgabeaufschlag 0,00 %
Mindestveranlagung 1.500,00 GBP
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,80 %
Annahmeschluss 12:30

Fonds Prospekte

2021 Verkaufsprospekt (31.12.21)
2021 Rechenschaftsbericht (30.09.21)
2021 Halbjahresbericht (31.03.21)


The investment objective of the Allianz Thematica Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth through investment in global equity markets with a focus on Thematic Investing, aiming to outperform (net of fees) the Target Benchmark, the MSCI All Country World Index Total Return (Net) GBP over a rolling 5 year period. The ACD will utilise a Thematic Investing approach to achieve its investment objective. The investible themes will typically be derived from long-term structural shifts; these megatrends could for example include urbanisation, technological innovation, resource scarcity and demographic & social change. Within these themes the ACD targets investment in companies that the ACD believes have a competitive advantage/product/solution in their respective markets. Information on current themes can be found on fact sheets which are published by the ACD on a monthly basis. The Fund will invest at least 70% in equities and securities equivalent to equities (e.g. American Depositary Receipts, Global Depositary Receipts) worldwide. In addition, up to 15% of the Fund's assets may be invested in index certificates and other certificates on equities, adequately diversified equity baskets, participation certificates and warrants.
Fondsmanager: Andreas Fruschki


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