Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Aktienfonds
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 18.10.2022
Fondsvolumen 43,51 Mio. EUR

Größte Positionen

MICROSOFT DL-,00000625 3,93 %
APPLE INC. 3,54 %
NVIDIA CORP. DL-,001 3,07 %
AMAZON.COM INC. DL-,01 2,44 %
Sonstiges 87,02 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +23,54 % -
3 Jahre p.a. - -
5 Jahre p.a. - -
52W Hoch:
129,4100 EUR
52W Tief:
103,7500 EUR

Konditionen (gültig für easy Wertpapierdepot)

0,00 % jetzt 0%
Mindestveranlagung 1.500,00 EUR
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,00 %
Annahmeschluss 08:30

Fonds Prospekte

2023 Verkaufsprospekt (17.12.23)


RobecoSAM QI Global SDG & Climate Beta Equities is an actively managed fund that invests globally in stocks of companies that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to maintaining the global temperature rise below 2? C. The selection of these stocks is based on a quantitative model that follows the performance of MSCI All Country World Index. The portfolio is built on the basis of the eligible investment universe and an internally developed SDG framework for mapping and measuring SDG contributions (more information can be obtained via the website www.robeco.com/si). The fund aims at selecting stocks with relatively low environmental footprints to ensure a carbon footprint reduction aligned with the MSCI All Country World Climate Paris Aligned Index. The fund has sustainable investment as its objective within the meaning of Article 9 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The fund invests in companies whose business models and operational practices are aligned with targets defined by the 17 SDGs. The fund contributes to keeping the maximum global temperature rise well-below 2? C by reducing the carbon footprint of the portfolio. The fund Risk and reward profile Lower risk - Typically lower rewards Higher risk - Typically higher rewards Historical data, such as is used in calculating the synthetic indicator, is not a reliable indication of the future risk profile. The risk and reward category shown is not guaranteed to remain unchanged, the categorization may shift over time. The lowest category does not mean a risk-free investment. Equities in general are more volatile than bonds. Equity funds with a global and or regional focus on developed markets are well diversified over countries and sectors making them less sensitive to price movements. integrates ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors in the investment processand applies Robeco"s Good Governance policy. The fund applies sustainability indicators, including but not limited to, normative, activity-based and region-based exclusions, and proxy voting.
Fondsmanager: W. de Groot, T. Dröge, M. Zwanenburg, Jan de Koning, Y. Xu, Han van der Boon, V. Sulman


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