Schroder International Selection Fund Swiss Equity Z Accumulation USD Hedged

WKN A140A1 | ISIN LU1281938719 |  Fonds


ISIN Name Performance Volatilität Sharpe Ratio
1 LU0570480771 UBAM-Swiss Eq.AHC CHF +8,07 % +11,60 % 0,36
2 LU0782399306 UBAM-Swiss Eq.AHC CHF +7,71 % +12,72 % 0,30
3 LI1181028211 Champion Ethical Equity Fund - Switzerland CHF +7,44 % +12,92 % 0,28
4 LU0570481159 UBAM-Swiss Eq.IHC USD +6,24 % +10,67 % 0,22
5 LU1273953577 UBAM-Swiss Eq.UHC USD +6,19 % +10,67 % 0,22
23 LU1281938719 Schroder International Selection Fund Swiss Equity Z Accumulation USD Hedged +3,21 % +10,13 % -0,06
121 LU1700372607 Vontobel Swiss Mid&Small Cap Eq.(CHF)S -5,66 % +11,47 % -0,83
122 LU0278085229 Vontobel Fund - Swiss Mid And Small Cap Equity I CHF -6,56 % +11,46 % -0,91
123 LU1684195974 Vontobel Swiss Mid&Small Cap Eq.(CHF)N -6,59 % +11,46 % -0,91
124 LU0129602636 Vontobel Fund - Swiss Mid And Small Cap Equity B CHF -7,37 % +11,46 % -0,98
125 LU1651443506 Vontobel Swiss Mid&Small Cap Eq.(CHF)C -7,92 % +11,47 % -1,02